netidee grants 2022 awarded!

Read more about netidee grants 2022 awarded!

 Stopline: Reporting record of the previous year exceeded by 60%

Read more about  Stopline: Reporting record of the previous year exceeded by 60%

RcodeZero:  More than 40 locations worldwide

Read more about RcodeZero:  More than 40 locations worldwide

netidee Call 17: Submit by 11 July!

Read more about netidee Call 17: Submit by 11 July!

The netidee Call 2022 is on!

Read more about The netidee Call 2022 is on!

These are the funding recipients of Call 16!

Read more about These are the funding recipients of Call 16! New peak

Read more about New peak

RcodeZero DNS: 10th anniversary 

Read more about RcodeZero DNS: 10th anniversary 

netidee SCIENCE: Call 6 is on!

Read more about netidee SCIENCE: Call 6 is on! Review of the second third of 2021

Read more about Review of the second third of 2021

netidee SCIENCE: Monika Henzinger won Wittgenstein Award

Read more about netidee SCIENCE: Monika Henzinger won Wittgenstein Award Review of the first third of 2021

Read more about Review of the first third of 2021

Internet Stiftung

The Internet Stiftung promotes the development of the internet in Austria and an unrestricted and orderly access to networks and services in compliance with international obligations. In particular, the Internet Stiftung is responsible for the administration of the .at domain.