These are the funding recipients of Call 15!

Over 1.2 million euros were granted for innovative internet projects, fellowships and research as part of netidee Call 15, the Internet Stiftung's funding program.

Despite the worldwide pandemic, a resounding success can be noted: 138 applications were submitted; 19 projects and 8 students were nominated for funding by the netidee jury.

Furthermore, two additional prizes were awarded. The Martin-Prager Integration Prize was awarded to the project "Amigo" of the association OSSI Austria for the promotion of social inclusion, which enables the elderly to better participate in the lives of their geographically distant relatives via web apps. The special prize on the topic of "local resilience"  to was awarded to the project 7energy, a web platform for citizens who build and operate energy communities. 7energy aims to better utilize locally generated renewable energy.

The recipient of the netidee Science funding was the research project “Schnelle Algorithmen für eine reaktive Netzwerkschicht” ("Fast algorithms for a reactive network layer") by Monika Henzinger at the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna.

March 2021

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Internet Stiftung

The Internet Stiftung promotes the development of the internet in Austria and an unrestricted and orderly access to networks and services in compliance with international obligations. In particular, the Internet Stiftung is responsible for the administration of the .at domain.