The netidee Call 2024 has started!
With the netidee funding campaign the Internet Foundation is once again supporting innovative and successful Internet projects and students' theses on the topic of the Internet with up to one million euros.
The funding campaign is open to everyone: Private individuals, companies, students, associations and university institutes - all are invited to submit their innovative ideas and projects relating to the Internet.
Innovative Internet projects, the further development of already successful Internet projects and final theses by students at Austrian universities are supported.
All results of the funding need to be published for use and further development under Open Source or Creative Commons licenses. In this way, the entire Internet community can benefit.
Applications can be submitted online at can be submitted until July 8, 2024.
The netidee funding advisory board evaluates the applications. In November 2024, the recipients of funding and the winners of the special prizes will be presented.
Up to 50,000 euros in funding will be distributed to projects. The grants are endowed with up to 5,000 euros for diploma or master's theses and up to 10,000 euros for dissertations/PhDs. In addition, two special prizes of of 3,000 euros each are awarded to funded projects.
The Martin Prager Integration Prize will be awarded again this year. This prize was established in memory of the late board member of the Internet Foundation, KR Martin Prager, who passed away. The prize is awarded to the sponsored project that best aims to strengthen digital participation and the use of the Internet for the use of the Internet for integrative purposes.
A special prize is also awarded for an outstanding project on the topic of "Digital decision making". This includes, for example, the optimization of digital participation processes and platforms, open source solutions for e-voting or new for e-voting or new models for promoting involvement in co-determination co-determination processes, but also the influencing of decision-making processes by fake news and fraud online and their prevention, e.g. by validating content using digital applications.
May 2024
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