Results Consumer Survey 2023, a subsidiary of Internet Stiftung, together with the online market research institute marketagent, surveyed the Austrian population on the topics of online behavior and domains.
The result is clear: 96.9 percent of the respondents know the extension .at. And 81.2 percent would choose a .at domain in case of a domain registration. The ending underlines the connection with Austria and is regarded as solid, established and likeable. The newer top level domains such as .app or .theater, on the other hand, have still not caught on: 44.4 percent are not familiar with these domain endings (gTLDs).
The answers to the question of websites and domains show that a presence on the Internet is highly relevant. 91.3 percent say that companies and organizations should have their own domain. Almost half think it is dubious for companies and organizations not to have their own website. And for 77.6 percent, the .at extension is the best choice for companies, individuals and organizations in Austria. In Internet searches, too, a .at domain is expected in the first place: If various results are displayed, 54.6 percent click on the domain with the corresponding company name and the .at extension.
November 2023
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