netidee projects: Watch out, trap!
With simulated fake shops and gamblings for phishing, to which friends and acquaintances can be invited, the "Watchlist Internet" informs about Internet fraud and explains how to detect it.
The prevention activities of the "Watchlist Internet" are based primarily on news articles about current fraud traps and warning lists. The website reached over three million people in 2022, a record of reach so far.
The "Watch out, trap!" project was launched with the aim of reaching even more people and not only informing them about safe online behavior, but above all equipping them with the situational tools for dealing with online fraud.
The prevention experience has shown that it is primarily the bad experience that is learned from. Achieving this learning effect without causing any harm is the goal of simulated traps. They make it possible not to have to explain fraud traps abstractly, but to demonstrate them concretely.
Anyone can join in and use the "Watch out, Trap!" fraud simulator - and thus warn their family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances about current Internet traps and protect them from possible damage!
December 2023
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